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  • ilsepasset

Is the bad economy killing your business growth?

Doesn't it feel like we've been on a seemingly never-ending cycle of getting in and out of a recession over the last few years? 

I understand the frustration when trying to scale and protect our teams while managing a constant stream of unpredictable, external threats.

As human beings, we're wired to get into "fight-or-flight" mode whenever there's instability - but staying in that mode for an extended period of time can be exhausting and demoralising. 

What if I told you: it doesn't have to be this way. The reality is: running a business is a delicate series of coordinated actions - something is always on the verge of going wrong. You don't - nor should you be expected to - have control over the direction of the wind of change. You do, however, have control over your own mindset. 

I talked about this extensively in my podcast episode "Will you participate in the recession?"


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